Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de manipulate

to manipulatemanipular

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I manipulateyo manipulo
you manipulatetú manipulas
he manipulatesél manipula
she manipulatesella manipula
we manipulatenosotros manipulamos
you manipulatevosotros manipuláis
they manipulateellos manipulan
they manipulateellas manipulan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I manipulatedyo manipulé
you manipulatedtú manipulaste
he manipulatedél manipuló
she manipulatedella manipuló
we manipulatednosotros manipulamos
you manipulatedvosotros manipulasteis
they manipulatedellos manipularon
they manipulatedellas manipularon

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have manipulatedyo he manipulado
you have manipulatedtú has manipulado
he has manipulatedél ha manipulado
she has manipulatedella ha manipulado
we have manipulatednosotros hemos manipulado
you have manipulatedvosotros habéis manipulado
they have manipulatedellos han manipulado
they have manipulatedellas han manipulado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had manipulatedyo había manipulado
you had manipulatedtú habías manipulado
he had manipulatedél había manipulado
she had manipulatedella había manipulado
we had manipulatednosotros habíamos manipulado
you had manipulatedvosotros habíais manipulado
they had manipulatedellos habían manipulado
they had manipulatedellas habían manipulado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will manipulateyo manipularé
you will manipulatetú manipularás
he will manipulateél manipulará
she will manipulateella manipulará
we will manipulatenosotros manipularemos
you will manipulatevosotros manipularéis
they will manipulateellos manipularán
they will manipulateellas manipularán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have manipulatedyo habré manipulado
you will have manipulatedtú habrás manipulado
he will have manipulatedél habrá manipulado
she will have manipulatedella habrá manipulado
we will have manipulatednosotros habremos manipulado
you will have manipulatedvosotros habréis manipulado
they will have manipulatedellos habrán manipulado
they will have manipulatedellas habrán manipulado

I would manipulateyo manipularía
you would manipulatetú manipularías
he would manipulateél manipularía
she would manipulateella manipularía
we would manipulatenosotros manipularíamos
you would manipulatevosotros manipularíais
they would manipulateellos manipularían
they would manipulateellas manipularían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have manipulatedyo habría manipulado
you would have manipulatedtú habrías manipulado
he would have manipulatedél habría manipulado
she would have manipulatedella habría manipulado
we would have manipulatednosotros habríamos manipulado
you would have manipulatedvosotros habríais manipulado
they would have manipulatedellos habrían manipulado
they would have manipulatedellas habrían manipulado

Participio presenteAnotado
manipulating manipulando

Participio pasadoAnotado
manipulated manipulado

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